- California Labor Market
Information Division - employment trends by industry, State counties and
metropolitan areas, the official series. http://www.calmis.cahwnet.gov/htmlfile/subject/indtable.htm
- California Labor Market
Information Division - Industry by Size of Firm - employment and number of firms by
size class and industry code for the State, counties and metropolitan areas. http://www.calmis.cahwnet.gov/htmlfile/subject/INDSIZE.HTM
- National Industry Data - the official national series. http://stats.bls.gov:80/ceshome.htm
- BEA - County Business Patterns
- an alternative source for employment by industry. Data are not necessarily
compatible with LMID or BLS data, but often industry or area data are available that LMID
cannot give out due to confidentiality restrictions. http://www.census.gov/epcd/cbp/view/cbpview.html
- BEA - County Business Patterns Size
of Firm - similar to LMID data but not necessarily comparable. More detail is
available here than from LMID due to different confidentiality regulations. http://www.census.gov/epcd/cbp/map/95data/06/
- OSHA - Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) - helpful location with convenient layout for understanding the SIC. http://www.osha.gov/cgi-bin/sic/sicser5
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) - Keyword Search - if you're not familiar
with the SIC and need an industry code, this is a good way to find the right one. http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html
- Census Bureau - North American
Industrial Classification System (NAICS) - Structure & Relation to SIC - NAICS is
the new industry coding structure which everyone is moving to over the next couple of
years. http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics/naicstb1.txt
- NAICS Association
- Home Page - get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQS), order a manual or sign
up for their newsletter. http://www.naics.com/
- Employment Situation -
narrative and tables of current employment conditions for the nation. http://stats.bls.gov:80/news.release/empsit.toc.htm
- America's
Career InfoNet - this is their page of links for locating and researching employers.
- Yahoo - Business & Economy
- Companies - Industry Links - use their easy to follow industry titles to get
to national listings of employer websites in the industry of your choice. http://www.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Companies/
- Yahoo - California
Cities Links - check under "business" in the city of your choice. http://www.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/California/Cities//a>
- Yahoo -
California - Counties & Regions - choose the county or region you want, then
choose cities to get the most useful information. http://www.yahoo.com/Regional/U_S__States/California/Counties_and_Regions/
- Bay
Area Business & Stocks - company profiles, recent news articles about the company
and stock prices for San Francisco Bay Area firms, arranged alphabetically. http://biz.sfbay.yahoo.com/sfbay/
- San
Diego Source - corporate profiles for San Diego area. http://www.sddt.com/corpprofiles/
- U.S. Corporate Information -
Regional Sites - has a listing of links for websites with information on employers in
various areas of California. http://www.corporateinformation.com/usstates.html